
California Child Support Guidelines

California Child Support Guidelines

California family law provides a formula to determine child support. Various computer software programs have been created to conform to the mathematical formula provided under the law. We work hard to analyze all of the appropriate information that should be included in these calculations. The careful and complete gathering of accurate information is crucial to fashioning an appropriate child support award.
Our goal is to navigate you through the child support guidelines to help you understand the support you may be receiving, or the support you may be obligated to pay — based on your unique situation.
The formula calculates several factors to determine support. These factors include, among other information:
  • Income from all sources
  • Time each parent spends with each child
  • Tax deductions and exemptions received by each parent, including the new Qualified Business Income Deduction
Sometimes parties are self-employed, are business owners or have substantial passive income. We have long experience in analyzing cash flow to determine what income is, and is not, legitimately available for the payment of support. When necessary, we also consult with forensic accountants to help trace income and evaluate cash flow.
We are committed to protecting your rights at every stage of your case. If you or the other party experiences a substantial change in financial circumstances, we can help you pursue or oppose a child support modification.



Ready for a consultation?

We invite you to contact us today at 949-856-1916, to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced lawyers. We are available Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. .