
Thoughtful Spousal Support Strategies

Thoughtful Spousal Support Strategies

When both parties can reach an agreement outside of court, they can maintain control over their situation. Mediation and negotiation can also ensure creative resolutions to complex issues. Our lawyers understand that once an issue goes to court, judges have a substantial amount of discretion as to the amount and duration spousal of support, which sometimes leads to surprising, and unpleasant, results.
Sometimes parties are self-employed, are business owners or have substantial passive income. We have long experience in analyzing cash flow to determine what income is, and is not, legitimately available for the payment of support. When necessary, we also consult with forensic accountants to help trace income and evaluate cash flow.
We are committed to protecting your rights at every stage of your case. If you or the other party experiences a substantial change in financial circumstances, we can help you pursue or oppose a spousal support modification.
If you are a payor of spousal support, we can also help you seek a modification, or even reduction to $0 of your support obligation, when you retire or become disabled – or when the recipient of support neglects his or her duty under the law to seek employment to try and become self-supporting.



Ready for a consultation?

We invite you to contact us today at 949-856-1916, to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced lawyers. We are available Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. .